Clips From Other Movies?

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Clips From Other Movies?

Post by Belecthor »

Out of curiousity, I was wondering if it would be possible to pull sound clips from other movies than SW, LotR, MR, and Narnia? It might bring some activity back to the site.

A Few Suggestions:
- the Jurassic Park trilogy
- the Star Trek saga

My real interest is in the JP movies, as I am having a lot of trouble finding a site with more than two or three clips.

Just an idea. :)
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[River cocks the gun she is pointing at Mal]
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Post by huntsomeorc »

I have a few suggestions too (but it depends if you like these movies or not, Gina):

Pirates of the Caribbean
The Matrix trilogy
the upcoming King Kong ("Herb, get the camera." 8) )

If you are too busy, maybe someone else on these boards could take requests and post them here also.
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Post by Gina »

Well of all those fine movies I only own one myself - Pirates of the Caribbean ; which I think would make an excellent candidate for some good quotes.

While often thinking of adding additional movies, mostly it would come down to the process I use to extract the quotes which involves copying the entire audio track to my hard drive for easy access. My hard drive is only so big!

I am more than willing to do as much as I can for requests - especially from my favorite regular visitors :)

And yes I would be happy to let other people post links to sounds they are able to make upon request. Could probably work out a hosting situation if one does not have a web site too.
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Post by Belecthor »

I may be able to upload some audio clips in the future. At the moment, I'm attempting to address the issue of file size vs quality. (My latest cut resulted in a two-second, 182KB .wav file of good quality. :?)
Mal:"I'm risking my crew on the theory that you're a real person. If you're not, you might as well shoot me now..."
[River cocks the gun she is pointing at Mal]
Mal:[stammering] "Ooooor, we can talk some more..." -Serenity
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