First one is from Two Towers:
Legolas: "Final Count, 42"
Gimli: "Not bad for a pointy eared elvish princeling. But I am sitting on number 43." (or something like that)
Legolas: (shoots arrow) "43"
Gimli: "He was already dead"
Legolas: "He was twitching"
Gimli: "Of course he was twitching, he's god my ax embeded in his nervous system."
The second one if from Return of the King:
Gimli Says something like (to Legolas) "There's plenty for the both of us, may the best dwarf win."
The third one is from Return of the King:
Gimli: "That still only counts as one!"
The fourth is from Return of the king:
Gimli says something about he never thought he would die/fight? with an elf
Legolas say how about with a friend
Gimli: "Aye, I could do that"