Harry Potter trailer and...King Kong Score by Howard Shore!!

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Harry Potter trailer and...King Kong Score by Howard Shore!!

Post by ryanadc »

the trailer for "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", rated PG-13 and due out November 18, 2005, is now playing in theaters and on the internet. By the way, in case you haven't heard, Patrick Doyle, NOT John Williams, did the score for this movie. :( I still have hopes for it, though. It looks really good.

In other movie and soundtrack news...

I just found a fan site for Peter Jackson's next film, King Kong, from onering.net. Anyway, it said that Howard Shore is scoring the film. haven't been paying attention much to the development of this film, which is due December 14, 2005. Guess that's another movie I'll be seeing this Christmas.
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