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Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 9:24 pm
by Jedi-Elf
The theme of Gondor?? I don't ever recall hearing that before. Do you mean the music where Boromir is talking at the the forming of the Fellowship? What ever it is...'tis a wonderful selection for the ending of the best trailer ever. :)

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 10:02 pm
by Gina
You can download a sample of 'Boromir at the Council' at Hirgon's Lord of the Rings Music Clips to check out this "theme"

To myself I call it the theme of Gondor, though it could be entirely different in Howard Shore's mind (he has been known to call certain themes related the Ring a Gondorian theme), or after we have possibly heard more in the ROTK film.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 9:44 am
by Hirgon
Ack... that site has just done nearly 8 GB worth of traffic in the last 17 hours, more than the whole of the rest of the month AND the whole of last month put together! :p

I take it the trailer music analysis page is proving rather popular at the moment :)

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 5:36 pm
by Gina
I take it the trailer music analysis page is proving rather popular at the moment

Um, yeah a little :) I wondered how much traffic you would end up with, since I referred to it repeatably--and then finally put a direct link on the trailers page for all the newcomers--wherever I posted about the trailer music (TORN,, various threads at TORC). It was thanks to your music clips that realized the connection in the first place, having just listened to Boromir at the Council again recently (I have it on my computer at work and like to fire it up now and then). Just downloaded some of the newer stuff and naturally it's great!

Edited to add: My web statistics update once a day and boy was yesterday's big. Bandwidth went from 325 MB to 1.8 GB (almost reaching my provider's daily limits). Take a look

Edited By Gina on 1064796387

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 5:58 pm
by Hirgon
Heh, mine finished up on 11.2 GB for the day, over eleven times higher than the day before, with nearly two thousand recorded referrals from your trailer music page :p

Ah well, hopefully it will drop off a bit now as those news articles drop further down the various homepages :)

See if you can spot the subtle traffic increase :)

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:34 pm
by Jedi-Elf
Thank you for posting that little clip of the Gondor theme that came directly from the trailer. Beautiful!! I actually wanted to use it as my windows start up...however only .wav files can be used and not .mp3. Is there anyway you can make that in a .wav format?? Thanks! :)

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 2:22 pm
by Gina
Is there anyway you can make that in a .wav format??

There's a little blurb about this on the bottom of the front page :) I may repeat this info by the sections of music clips that are in mp3 format to help out a bit more.

Basically, you can use any sound/music editing program, they should be able to convert from one format to the other.

For simplicity, I can say that Mp3Decode does exactly what you want - mp3 files to wav. It's free though they might bug you about a plus version that will help you burn CDs too.

I am glad you are excited about the new trailer music. The clip I put up is quite short because it's the cleanest section I could come up with. I fiddled with mixing various channels aka vocal cut but the voice overs were just too strong to get out! I will of course keep my "ear" out for any better versions :)

Edited to add: All the files are originally wav files, I convert them for the sake of file size. A 20 second clip of good quality (44khz 16bit Stereo) music can be several megabytes - which in turn can overwhelm my bandwidth. :p

Edited By Gina on 1064957425

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 3:45 pm
by Jedi-Elf
Thanks Gina! I didn't even notice that on the homepage. :p

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 7:19 pm
by Sushi
Was wondering if anyone has been able to isolate the track at the beginning of thr ROTK trailer. i know it's "breath of Life" from the two towers soundtrack,..but they edited it,..and I like this one more than the original. ANYBODY???

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:54 pm
by Gina
It's near impossible to isolate music from a trailer's audio track. At least to us mere mortals the quality and available tracks is not the same as what the actual studio probably has. One can play around with mixing channels and essentially getting a "vocal cut", but that does not take care of sound effects or dialogue with any kind of echo. Now that could just be my limited skills (anything I know has just been figured out on my own time), so it wouldn't hurt to continue pursuing this.

In listening closely to the beginning of the trailer, it sounds like Breathe of Life right off the soundtrack along with an underlying track of deeper sounding music. It has even been suggested that this could be from Loreena McKennit's Mystic's Dream--used in one of the Fellowship trailers by the way. It's hard to say yet but I'll certainly pay attention to any new developments out there.:)

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 7:08 pm
by Sushi
Thanks Gina,...

I'll try to look into it more,...If I find anything else,..I'll be sure to let you know!


Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 12:01 pm
by Aragorn51088
I just wanted to comment on a certain commercial spot I saw for RotK last night. I thought it as really cool, cuz the whole time they were playing the 'Last March of the Ents' piece, which I really like!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:43 pm
by Belecthor
I think that this clip is indeed a remixed version of the theme of Gondor, and for several reasons:

- it can be heard in the background of the Council of Elrond when Boromir and Aragorn discuss using the Ring
- a similar theme is heard when Gandalf rides to Minas Tirith in Fellowship
- it is very obvious in the scenes with Boromir, Faramir, and Denethor in the Towers Extended Edition