Return of the King is definitely the best!!!!!!

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Post by Aragorn51088 »

Yea, since I'm too lazy to wade through all these other posts and see if any of them deals with how awesome the actual movie is, I figgered I'd say somthin here. So here it is: The Return of the King is by far the best of the movies!!!!!! The music was extremely awesome, the plot was good(since I have read the books, I knew about what was going to happen, but STILL!), and the effects were great too {spoiler warning}(Dead Army, especially). I was wonderin what time everybody saw it...I saw it at 12:01 (CST) on the very early part of Wednesday, December 17th's morning.
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Post by Er-Mûrazor »

Ya i saw it to. IT was amazing especialy the Wich King
i was it at 10:15 eastern on December 16 yup before 12 because i went to see the 12 hour thing where they showed all 3 in a row extended version :)
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Post by Pippin&MerryRock »

I've seen it 3 times already! It's by far my favorite movie of all-time! No other movie can compare with its scope, grandeur (spelling?), and plot.

Plus I like that Pippin and Merry got a bigger role in this one.
Merry and Pippin:
You can drink your fancy ales!
You can drink them by the flagon!
But the only brew for the brave and truuuuuueee,
Comes from the Green Dragon!
*chugs their drinks*
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Post by loren »

i went with my whole family {which is strange b/c my dad hasnt been to the theatre since Oliver came out.. ??? ..} at midnight opening morning. why is it called midnight when its really morning? i dont get it. oh well, yah, it was by far the best...cant wait til we get the extended edition on DVD so we can watch all three extended edition DVDs back to back. gee that's going to take awhile....meh :)
there is one less possum wandering the streets of hamilton. my sincere apologies to his family.

yes. i hit a possum the other night. i think its funny.
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