A request for RotS
A request for RotS
I've been looking all over for the "order 66" music - anakin's betrayal on the soundtrack (where all the jedi are being killed) but I can only find the whole track. I would just like to hear the part from where obi-wan starts falling to the part where Yoda jumps onto Chewbacca.
I am afraid that is too long for the purpose of this web site, being just about two minutes long. Sorry it took so long to post this reply, but I had read the request wrong thinking that there was some unreleased music that could only be accessed from the movie itself. There are many free or low cost audio editors out there that would make it easy to rip the track from the soundtrack and cut out the last part leaving only what you would like.
Last bumped by Gina on Thu May 06, 2021 3:34 am.