Return of the King Extended Request

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Return of the King Extended Request

Post by jubie »

First off, thanks for a wonderful site. I have been downloading your files for 2+years now but never registered. THANK YOU

The spoken word I am requesting is available in the RotK as well as the RotK extended, so you may have already decided against it . It may be Too long or whatever, I understand.

Frodo's voiceover at Bag End :

How do you pick up the threads of an old life?

How do you go on
when in your heart
you begin to understand
there is no going back.
There are some things that time cannot mend,
some hurts that go too deep
that have taken hold.

Now that I have typed it I can see it is very long isn't it?

Anyway thanks for making a wonderful contribution to my sound collection. I have found no site that compares to yours. :D :D
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Post by Belecthor »

Perhaps if it were split into several clips, as follows:

[CLIP #1] How do you pick up the threads of an old life?

[CLIP #2]
How do you go on
when in your heart
you begin to understand
there is no going back.

[CLIP #3]
There are some things that time cannot mend,
some hurts that go too deep
that have taken hold.

Just an idea.
Mal:"I'm risking my crew on the theory that you're a real person. If you're not, you might as well shoot me now..."
[River cocks the gun she is pointing at Mal]
Mal:[stammering] "Ooooor, we can talk some more..." -Serenity
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Post by Gina »

Eh, it's not really that long :wink:

Please find your requests fulfilled on the Return of the King page!
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Post by jubie »

Thank you so much. :D I will enjoy (oh that doesn't sound right considering it is a very touching passage but) it.
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